Source code for txzmq.req_rep

ZeroMQ REQ-REP wrappers.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import uuid
import warnings

from zmq import constants

from twisted.internet import defer, reactor

from txzmq.connection import ZmqConnection

class ZmqRequestTimeoutError(Exception):
    Request has been timed out.

[docs]class ZmqREQConnection(ZmqConnection): """ A Request ZeroMQ connection. This is implemented with an underlying DEALER socket, even though semantics are closer to REQ socket. Socket mimics request-reply behavior by sending each message with unique uuid and recording Deferred associated with the message. When reply comes, it uses that Deferred to pass response back to the caller. :var defaultRequestTimeout: default timeout for requests, disabled by default (seconds) :type defaultRequestTimeout: float """ socketType = constants.DEALER defaultRequestTimeout = None # the number of new UUIDs to generate when the pool runs out of them UUID_POOL_GEN_SIZE = 5 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ZmqConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._requests = {} self._uuids = [] def _getNextId(self): """ Returns an unique id. By default, generates pool of UUID in increments of ``UUID_POOL_GEN_SIZE``. Could be overridden to provide custom ID generation. :return: generated unique "on the wire" message ID :rtype: str """ if not self._uuids: for _ in range(self.UUID_POOL_GEN_SIZE): self._uuids.append(uuid.uuid4().bytes) return self._uuids.pop() def _releaseId(self, msgId): """ Release message ID to the pool. @param msgId: message ID, no longer on the wire @type msgId: C{str} """ self._uuids.append(msgId) if len(self._uuids) > 2 * self.UUID_POOL_GEN_SIZE: self._uuids[-self.UUID_POOL_GEN_SIZE:] = [] def _cancel(self, msgId): """ Cancel outstanding REQ, drop reply silently. @param msgId: message ID to cancel @type msgId: C{str} """ self._requests.pop(msgId, (None, None)) def _timeoutRequest(self, msgId): """ Cancel timedout request. @param msgId: message ID to cancel @type msgId: C{str} """ d, _ = self._requests.pop(msgId, (None, None)) if not d.called: d.errback(ZmqRequestTimeoutError(msgId))
[docs] def sendMsg(self, *messageParts, **kwargs): """ Send request and deliver response back when available. :param messageParts: message data :type messageParts: tuple :param timeout: as keyword argument, timeout on request :type timeout: float :return: Deferred that will fire when response comes back """ messageId = self._getNextId() d = defer.Deferred(canceller=lambda _: self._cancel(messageId)) timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None) if timeout is None: timeout = self.defaultRequestTimeout assert len(kwargs) == 0, "Unsupported keyword argument" canceller = None if timeout is not None: canceller = reactor.callLater(timeout, self._timeoutRequest, messageId) self._requests[messageId] = (d, canceller) self.send([messageId, b''] + list(messageParts)) return d
[docs] def messageReceived(self, message): """ Called on incoming message from ZeroMQ. Dispatches message to back to the requestor. :param message: message data """ msgId, msg = message[0], message[2:] self._releaseId(msgId) d, canceller = self._requests.pop(msgId, (None, None)) if canceller is not None and canceller.cancel() if d is None: # reply came for timed out or cancelled request, drop it silently return d.callback(msg)
[docs]class ZmqREPConnection(ZmqConnection): """ A Reply ZeroMQ connection. This is implemented with an underlying ROUTER socket, but the semantics are close to REP socket. """ socketType = constants.ROUTER def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ZmqConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._routingInfo = {} # keep track of routing info
[docs] def reply(self, messageId, *messageParts): """ Send reply to request with specified ``messageId``. :param messageId: message uuid :type messageId: str :param messageParts: message data :type messageParts: list """ routingInfo = self._routingInfo.pop(messageId) self.send(routingInfo + [messageId, b''] + list(messageParts))
[docs] def messageReceived(self, message): """ Called on incoming message from ZeroMQ. :param message: message data """ i = message.index(b'') assert i > 0 (routingInfo, msgId, payload) = ( message[:i - 1], message[i - 1], message[i + 1:]) msgParts = payload[0:] self._routingInfo[msgId] = routingInfo self.gotMessage(msgId, *msgParts)
[docs] def gotMessage(self, messageId, *messageParts): """ Called on incoming request. Override this method in subclass and reply using :meth:`reply` using the same ``messageId``. :param messageId: message uuid :type messageId: str :param messageParts: message data """ raise NotImplementedError(self)
class ZmqXREPConnection(ZmqREPConnection): """ Provided for backwards compatibility. Deprecated in favour of either ZmqREPConnection or ZmqROUTERConnection. """ def __init__(self, factory, *endpoints): warnings.warn("ZmqXREPConnection is deprecated in favour of " "either ZmqREPConnection or ZmqROUTERConnection", DeprecationWarning) ZmqREPConnection.__init__(self, factory) self.add_endpoints(endpoints) class ZmqXREQConnection(ZmqREQConnection): """ Provided for backwards compatibility. Deprecated in favour of either ZmqREQConnection or ZmqDEALERConnection. """ def __init__(self, factory, *endpoints): warnings.warn("ZmqXREQConnection is deprecated in favour of " "either ZmqREQConnection or ZmqDEALERConnection", DeprecationWarning) ZmqREQConnection.__init__(self, factory) self.add_endpoints(endpoints)